Monday, December 21, 2009

It begins....

Hope sways,
Bias stays;
Living in the realm of the unreal,
When the truth reveal.

Working hard for the fruitless result,
Overcome the hatred, torture and insult;
The felling of curiosity ones' must steek,
Because truth is always the wrong answer to seek.

Hope and Prayer invites pessimistic,
Like an organization that turns into politic;
Opportunity become the topic for the race,
Determined the different status that ones' face,

Positive thinking is equal to lie,
The fact will remains till the day you die;
Issues that raised from day-to-day,
Time will devour it someday.


  1. It begins from line to line...
    It ends when my mind starts to decline...
    I am here to underline...
    My heart that utters 'Oh ya hor' as the bottom line...


  2. though it is not that attractive,
    thanks you for not being passive,
    throughout your comment that i have receive,
    grateful for your initiative.
